One of the most anticipated movies of 2019 is Captain Marvel with a star-studded cast starring Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, Jude Law, Gemma Chan, to name a few! The famous superhero, Captain Marvel is being played by Brie Larson. Captain Marvel is also the next Marvel movie that will be shown a month before The Avengers: End Game.


Many Marvel fans of this famous comic character have noticed a difference with certain physical qualities of the actress and the character she plays but this has not stopped fans from still being excited! Brie has naturally beautiful light brown eyes, whilst the character she plays has blue eyes but there are certain scenes where the eyes are white, just like our Princess Pinky Cosplay White Mesh circle lenses!

Let's not forget Jude Law's character, Yon-Rogg, who has striking eyes when you are first introduced to him on-screen (don't worry, there are no spoilers for Captain Marvel here!). We couldn't help but notice the Princess Pinky Cosplay Yellow lenses would be perfect for his look! Whichever Captain Marvel look you are going for, we have the circle lenses for you!
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