Every individual needs to choose the type of contact lenses, best match their vision prescription and lifestyle. PinkyParadise has a great selection of monthly lenses brand you can choose!
Monthly contact lenses can be worn each day for about 30 days before you'll need to switch to a new pair. Monthlies are meant to be worn during the day then taken out at night and stored in contact solution while you sleep. These contacts are thicker compared to daily disposable lenses
You always have to disinfect regularly in order to ensure healthy wearing.
Air Optix Plus HydraGlyde - 3pcs [monthly]
$19.90 USD
Biofinity Contacts - 3pcs [monthly]
$19.90 USD
Bausch & Lomb ULTRA - 3pcs [monthly]
$17.90 USD
Acuvue Vita - 6 pcs [monthly]
$43.00 USD
Bausch & Lomb PureVision 2 - 6 Pcs [monthly]
$54.00 USD