This hit TV show for Netflix is based on Superheros and is an adaptation from the Dark Horse comic. The plot centers around a family of sibling superheroes, who have been adopted and reunite to solve the mystery of their father's death, plus the impending apocalypse. Since it's debut, there has been a lot of talk on what colored contacts does the character Vanya Hargreeves played by the talented Ellen Page have. PinkyParadise is here to suggest the best circle lenses for you to try for your next cosplay! Now you can recreate your version of Vanya Hargreeves at the next cosplay convention or for Halloween!


Below is some of the recommended colored contacts and circle lenses for this character's look.
Buy 1 get 1 free Halloween Contacts
Princess Pinky Cosplay White Out (With Prescription)Princess Pinky Cosplay White Out (With Prescription)
-0 off
Princess Pinky White Out Contact Lenses for Cosplay (Prescription) [yearly]
$25.90 USD
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Princess Pinky Eurasia Crystal GreyPrincess Pinky Eurasia Crystal Grey
-0 off
Princess Pinky Eurasia Crystal Grey [monthly]
$12.90 USD
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Buy 1 get 1 free Halloween Contacts
Princess Pinky Cosplay Corunus (With Prescription)Princess Pinky Cosplay Corunus (With Prescription)
-0 off
Princess Pinky Cosplay Corunus (With Prescription) [yearly]
$25.90 USD
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